المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اهم الكلمات الانجليزية لامتحان التوفل ( معاني امتحان التوفل 3 )

Essa Amawi
11-10-2011, 02:45 PM
في الموضوعين السابقين معاني لامتحان التوفل معاني توفل 1 (http://www.lawjo.net/vb/showthread.php?19632-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A-%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%81%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A-%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%81%D9%84-1) ومعاني لامتحان التوفل اهم مصطلحات امتحان التوفل (معاني توفل 2) (http://www.lawjo.net/vb/showthread.php?19634-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A-%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%81%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%87%D9%85-%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%81%D9%84-%28%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A-%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%81%D9%84-2%29).

قمنا بسرد اهم الكلمات الانجليزية والمعاني الانجليزية الاساسية في امتحان التوفل .. حيث يعرف امتحان التوفل بتكراره لبعض الكلمات والمصطلحات الانجليزية (المعاني الانجليزية) في معظم امتحاناته .

ونحن من خلال سلسلة المواضيع هذه نحاول تغطية اهم معاني اللغة الانجليزية في امتحان التوفل ..

وصلنا في الموضوع السابق من قائمة اهم الكلمات الانجليزية لامتحان التوفل حتى حرف N وها نحن نكمل قائمة اهم الكلمات الانجليزية لامتحان التوفل في هذا الموضوع .

nasc, nat, gnant, nai

nat +ive
Turkeys are native to North America.

(adjective): belonging to a place by birth, indigenous


nascent (adjective): just born

nasc + ent
The nascent kittens curled up with their mother.

pregnant (adjective): having a child developing in the womb, “with child”

pre + gn +ent
Linda’s dog is pregnant and it will have its puppies in November.

naive (adjective): lack of experience, not knowledgeable of the world

nai + ve
When Olivia went to New York ten year’s ago she was naive, but now she is a well-seasoned traveler.


nomin + ate
Vittorio nominated Mary for class president.

(verb): to name for office


synonym (noun): a word with a similar meaning to another word in the same language

syn + onym
The word “fair” is a synonym for the word “just.”


novel + ty
After six months the novelty of Pierre’s new car is starting to wear off.

(noun): something new


novice (noun): a newcomer, a beginner, someone new to something

nov + ice
Bjorn is a novice when it comes to playing poker or other card games.


oper + ate
People are advised not to operate heavy machinery after drinking alcohol.

(verb): to work, to perform


opus (noun): a musical composition

Vivaldi’s opus number three is not as well known as is other compositions.


pati + ent
Josiah was patient as he waited in line for concert tickets.
Amelia has been a patient of Dr. Gustaf’s for ten years.

(adjective, noun): calm, bearing pain without complaint; a person under medical care


passion (noun): a strong feeling or emotion

pass + ion
Barbara has a passion for motorcycle racing.

sympathy (noun): sharing another person’s feelings, the ability to feel for another person’s suffering

sym + path + y
Ching-wei expressed his deepest sympathy when hearing of Mrs. Martin’s death.

pathology (noun): the study of diseases

patho + log + y
Blaise is studying pathology because he wants to learn about diseases.


im + pede
The shackles and chains impeded the prisoner’s escape.

(verb): to hinder, to slow down


pedestal (noun): a support for a column or other structure, a base for something

pedest + al
Johannes put the vase on a pedestal.

pedestrian (noun): a person walking

pedestr + ian
As soon as the cars stopped, the pedestrians crossed the street.


podium (noun): a platform, an area raised above the surrounding ground, a place at which to speak in front of an audience

pod + ium
The professor walked up to the podium and spoke into the microphone.


re + pel
Does Margo’s new jacket repel water?

(verb): to drive away or push back


pulse (noun): the regular action of blood through arteries

The nurse felt for the patient’s pulse in his neck.

pend, pond

suspend (noun): to hang from, to interrupt, to stop

sus + pend
The light was turned on by a string suspended from the light fixture.

ponder (verb): to think about, to weigh in one’s mind

pond + er
Levi pondered the possibility of going to medical school.

phan, fan

phan + tom
The children told horror stories about phantoms and ghosts.

(noun): something seen but having no physical existence, a ghost.


fantasy (noun): a creation of the imagination that cannot be real, a daydream

fantas + y
When Miguel was a child he had a fantasy about being a doctor on the planet Jupiter.


philo+ soph + er
Plato wrote about the Greek philosopher Socrates.

(noun): a person who seeks (loves) wisdom



phonet + ic
The phonetic alphabet is useful when studying languages or linguistics.

(adjective) relating to speech sounds



de + pict
In the movie the character was depicted as evil.

(verb): to portray, to represent



im + port
Fyodor imports caviar and other products from Russia.

(verb): to bring in from a foreign country


portage (noun) the labor of carrying boats across land

port + age
Bill said that he had a five mile portage on his last canoe trip.

pli, ply

re + ply
Did Marco reply to Emily’s invitation?
Lynn received a negative reply from her parents and she will not be going to the party.

(verb, noun): to respond, to answer; a response


implicate (verb): to involve, to incriminate

im + plic + ate
The thief was implicated in three burglaries.

ply (noun): a layer

Two ply tissue paper is stronger than one ply.

pon, pos

posit + ion
What position does Ian hold at his mother’s company?

(noun): a place occupied by something


postpone (verb): to put off to a later time

post + pone
The baseball game was postponed because of the storm.

posture (noun) the position of a body

post + ure
Denise has terrific posture — her back is straight and strong.


psycho + log + y
Lynette studies psychology because she is interested in how people think and feel.

(noun): study of how the mind works



in + quire
Debbie inquired about employment opportunities at the factory.

(verb): to ask about


exquisite (adjective): carefully selected, marked by beauty

ex + quis + ite
Everyone noticed the exquisite diamond Toni was wearing.

quest (noun): a search, the act of seeking

At four in the morning Quincy went out on a quest for ice cream.

query (verb, noun): to ask questions, a question

The lawyer queried the witness.
I have a query about the origins of the English language.


cor + rupt
The politician was corrupted by power and money.
The corrupt judge was arrested for accepting a bribe.

(verb, adjective): to change from good to bad


rupture (verb): to break or burst

rupt + ure
The water bed ruptured and the water flowed onto the floor.

interrupt (verb): to stop, to break in (usually with questions)

inter + rupt
It’s impolite to interrupt someone while they are speaking.


con + sci + ous
Gerturde was conscious of everything even though she appeared asleep.

(adjective): aware, having knowledge of oneself


science (noun): a system of knowledge

sci + ence
Claire enjoys science, especially biology.

scrib, scrip

scribble (verb): to write quickly or carelessly

scribb + le
He scribbled a note in his notebook.

script (noun): handwriting, something written

Sometimes her script is hard to read.

describe (verb): to say what something is like

de + scribe
The scientist described his experiment to the class.

sent, sens

sensation (noun): ability to feel due to stimulation

sens + at + ion
Jamal felt a tingling sensation in his arm after he hit his elbow on the table.

sentimental (adjective): marked by feeling or emotion

senti + ment +al
Lauren has a sentimental attachment to that quilt because her great grandmother made it.


sequ + ence
The sequence of events were as follows: first we had dinner, then we went to the movies, and then we went fo ice cream.

(noun): a continuous series


consecutive (adjective): following in an unbroken order

con + secut + ive
Terri was elected team captain three consecutive years in a row.

ensue (verb): to happen afterward

en + sue
After a disagreement in the restaurant, a fight ensued in the parking lot.

soci solv, solu



isolate (verb): to separate from others, to place something by itself

i +
The sick cat was isolated from the other animals.

sol + uble


absolute (adjective): complete, unrestricted, perfect

The babysitter has absolute authority over the children while their parents are away.

soluble (adjective): able to disperse in liquid

Sugar is soluble in water.

spec, spi spicic + ious


despise (verb): to hate, tolook down on

Marguerite despises people who are cruel to animals.

auspicicious (adjective): favorable

au +
The thousand dollar donation made for an auspicious beginning.

espionage (noun): using spies or observers

e + spion + age
Espionage is often depicted in mystery movies and novels.

spir stab, stat


inspire (verb): to stimulate, to fill with a feeling or desire

Students are often inspired by their teachers.

sta + nce


establish (verb): to found, to start, to make firm

e +
Southampton College was established in 1963.

stance (noun): a way of standing, a position, an attitude

A person’s stance is very important in the games of golf and baseball.

strain, strict string + ent


constrict (verb): to squeeze, to make narrow

Marvin felt constricted by the suit and tie he wore to the meeting.

stringent (adjective): strict, tight, severe

There are stringent rules and regulations one must follow when operating a child care center.

prestige (noun): respect for a person or a thing

pre + stige
There is a lot of prestige associated with occupying a political position.

stru, stroy ob + struct


misconstrue (verb): to interpret, analyse, or understand something incorrectly; misunderstand

Do not misconstrue his actions to mean he likes you — being pleasant to customers is part of his job.

obstruct (verb): to block, prevent, hinder

The fallen tree obstructed the roadway and blocked traffic for hours.