المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : German Civil Code

Hosam Hawamdeh
09-20-2012, 02:02 PM
German Civil Code

Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (or BGB) , this is the name German Civil code has been famous by , derived from Roman law German Civil code has been into the process of development during 1801-1900 , after that long term period of modification and development of the german civil code , the german civil code of law has become effectively being applied , No German law has a larger number of sections: The BGB ends with sec. 2385.
German Civil code regulates the law of persons, property, family and inheritance, but unlike e.g. the French Code civil or the Austrian Civil Code, a chapter containing generally applicable regulations is placed first. Consequently, the BGB contains five main parts ("books"):
the General Part ("Allgemeiner Teil"), sections 1 through 240, comprising regulations that have effect on all the other four parts, such as the regulation on persons, the capacity to form contracts, declaration of intent, rescission due to mistake, formation of contracts, limitation of actions and agency
the Law of Obligations ("Recht der Schuldverhältnisse"), sections 241 through 853, describing the various forms of contracts and other obligations between persons, including tort law
the Property Law ("Sachenrecht"), sections 854 through 1296, describing possession, property, other rights persons have relating to property (movable property and real estate), and how those rights can be transferred
the Family Law ("Familienrecht"), sections 1297 through 1921, describing marriage and other legal relationships among family members
the Inheritance Law ("Erbrecht"), providing regulation for what happens to the belongings of deceased persons, including a Law of Wills.