المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Private International law

Hosam Hawamdeh
02-04-2010, 12:48 AM




Publication Information: Book Title: Essays in Private International Law. Contributors: Peter North - author. Publisher: Clarendon Press. Place of Publication: Oxford. Publication Year: 1993. Page Number: iii.

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© Peter Machin North 1993

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
North, P. M. ( Peter Machin)
Essays in private international law / Peter North.
Includes index.
1. Conflict of laws. 2. Conflict of laws--Great Britain.
I. Title.
K7041.N67 1993 340.9--dc20 92-44802
ISBN 0-19-825826-7

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THESE nine articles or lectures on private international law were first
published over the last fifteen years in various parts of the world. They
deal with all three major aspects of the subject: the jurisdiction of the
courts, choice of law and the recognition of foreign judgments, but, mir-
roring my own interests and activities during that period, reform and
change is a theme which recurs throughout most of them.

All the pieces in this work, are with one exception, published in essen-
tially the same form as that in which they originally appeared. However,
account has been taken of developments in the intervening years by
means of an Introduction prefacing each piece. The paper entitled
' Choice in Choice of Law' is the most recent piece and it is published in a
substantially amended and expanded form from that which it took when
delivered as a lecture in March 1992, with the consequence that no addi-
tional Introduction seemed necessary.


August 1992

Table of Cases ix
Table of Statutes xxi
1. Is European Harmonization of Private International Law a
Myth or a Reality? A British Perspective 1
2. The EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual
Obligations (1980): Its History and Main Features 23
3. Varying the Proper Law 51
4. Torts in the Dismal Swamp: Choice of Law Revisited 69
5. Contract as a Tort Defence in the Conflict of Laws 89
6. Development of Rules of Private International Law in the
Field of Family Law 109
7. Choice in Choice of Law 171
8. The Draft UK/US Judgments Convention: A British Viewpoint 201
9. Hague Conventions and the Reform of English Conflict of Laws 225

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