قواعد التوفل .. تلك السلسلة التي بدأتها شبكة قانوني الاردن حرصا منها على توفير معلومة مفيدة لكل باحث عنها .
قواعد التوفل في سلسلتنا هذه نطرحها لكم من خلال مواضيع متتابعة على شكل اسئلة واجوبة مع حلولها .. حيث نوفر لاول مرة في موقعنا اسئلة امتحانات توفل مع الحلول الخاصة بها .

تمارين القواعد الخاصة بامتحان التوفل والتي سنوفرها في سلسلتنا هذه هي تمارين خاصة ومنسقة من قبل شبكة قانوني الاردن تساعدك في حال تمكنك من حلها جميعا على تحصيل اعلى الدرجات في قسم القواعد من امتحان التوفل .

تمارين القواعد الخاصة بامتحان التوفل نطرحها في هذه السلسله لاول مره مزوده بالحلول الخاصه بها ..

النموذج الثامن من نماذج امتحانات التوفل (قواعد التوفل)
شبكة قانوني الاردن - قسم اللغة الانجليزية

1. Why don't you try to come home _____ 9 o'clock?

  1. by
  2. under
  3. until
  4. up to

2. My father _____ to the Golf Club for the past 25 years.

  1. was belonging
  2. has belonged
  3. has been belonged
  4. has belonging

3. Portuguese is quite _____ Spanish.

  1. similar
  2. similar from
  3. similar to
  4. similar with

4. My youngest sister _____ last summer.

  1. marriaged
  2. got married
  3. got marriaged
  4. was married to

5. Paper is _____ wood.

  1. made by
  2. made of
  3. made from
  4. made with

6. He _____ take off his shoes before he entered the room.

  1. must
  2. has to
  3. have to
  4. had to

7. You'd better go now, _____ you'll miss the next train.

  1. if else
  2. or else
  3. or not
  4. unless

8. He moved the TV antenna _____ he could get a clearer picture.

  1. because of
  2. in which
  3. so which
  4. so that

9. How do you say "that's mine" _____ Spanish?

  1. by
  2. in
  3. on
  4. with

10. Our mother _____ scrub the kitchen walls and floor.

  1. had us
  2. had us to
  3. us had
  4. us to

11. "Could you do me a small favor?"
"I'm sorry. I really _____."

  1. am hurry
  2. am in a hurry
  3. have a hurry
  4. am hurried

12. Would you care for _____ cup of tea?

  1. another
  2. more
  3. one other
  4. some more
13. I'm right this time, _____?

  1. agree with
  2. agree to
  3. agree
  4. agree about

14. _____ who look for trouble usually find it.

  1. Anyone
  2. These
  3. Those
  4. Them

15. We have much to _____ today, so please concentrate.

  1. discuss
  2. discuss about
  3. discuss over
  4. discuss with

16. The sun _____ at 7 o'clock yesterday evening.

  1. set
  2. setted
  3. has set
  4. had setted

17. I _____ finish my work before lunch yesterday, so I went shopping.

  1. able to
  2. was able to
  3. managed
  4. could have

18. _____ would you most like to have?

  1. These of which
  2. What of these
  3. Any of these
  4. Which of these

19. I'll finish my work by four o'clock and _____ home.

  1. go to
  2. go back
  3. come to
  4. come back to

20. My younger brother plays _____.

  1. the piano very well
  2. very good the piano
  3. the piano very good
  4. very well the piano

21. Lauren _____ in Singapore.

  1. growed
  2. grew up
  3. grown up
  4. was grown up

22. What _____?

  1. means this word
  2. does this word meaning
  3. is this word meaning
  4. does this word mean

23. "Which horse came in first?"
"That tall black one _____."

  1. has
  2. is
  3. was
  4. did

24. I couldn't find _____ your last question.

  1. an answer to
  2. an answer
  3. answering
  4. to answer

25. The electric light was invented in _____.

  1. the nineteenth century
  2. nineteen centuries
  3. nineteen century
  4. century the nineteenth

المزيد من المواضيع المتربطة :

  1. TOEFL Grammar1 - TOEFL Grammar Exercises
  2. TOEFL Grammar Exercises 2 - TOEFL Grammar 2
  3. TOEFL Grammar Exercises - تمارين على قواعد امتحان التوفل (قواعد التوفل 1)
  4. تمارين القواعد الخاصة بامتحان التوفل (قواعد التوفل 2)
  5. نماذج امتحان التوفل - قسم القواعد (قواعد توفل 3)
  6. قواعد التوفل - تمارين قواعد التوفل مع الاجابات (قواعد التوفل 4)
  7. قواعد امتحان التوفل - اسئلة امتحان التوفل مع الاجابات (قواعد التوفل 5)
  8. حلول اسئلة التوفل - تمارين على امتحانات التوفل قسم القواعد (قواعد توفل 6)
  9. حلول اسئلة التوفل - تمارين على امتحانات التوفل قسم القواعد (قواعد التوفل 7)

المواضيع المتشابهه: