مرحبا عزيزي الزائر, هل هذه اول زيارة لك؟ اضغط على "انشاء الحساب" واستمتع بخدماتنا .

أهلا وسهلا بك إلى شبكة قانوني الاردن.

>>معلومات قانونية سريعة:: “هل يحق للزوج اسكان اهله من والدين وابناء غير الزوجه في منزل الزوجيه ؟
ج. ليس للزوج أن يسكن أهله وأقاربه معه دون رضا زوجته في المسكن الذي هيأه لها ولها الرجوع عن موافقتها على ذلك، ويستثنى من ذلك أبناؤه غير البالغين وبناته وأبواه الفقيران إذا لم يمكنه الإنفاق عليهما استقلالاً وتعين وجودهما عنده وذلك بشرط عدم إضرارهم بالزوجة وأن لا يحول وجودهم في المسكن دون المعاشرة الزوجية.„


   ابحث في الموقع بكل سهوله وسرعة


شبكة قانوني الاردن

أهلا وسهلا بك إلى شبكة قانوني الاردن.

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    مدير العلاقات العامة والإعلام Array الصورة الرمزية Hosam Hawamdeh
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
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    معدل تقييم المستوى

    بيانات اخرى

    الجنس :  ذكر

    المستوى الأكاديمي :  تعليم جامعي (بكالوريوس)

    الجامعة الحالية/التي تخرجت منها ؟ :  الجامعة الأردنية

    الحالة الاجتماعية :  خاطب

    رابط السيرة الذاتية  :  قم بزيارة سيرتي الذاتية

    افتراضي Mansaf in Jordan: Mansaf Recipe

    Mansaf in Jordan: Mansaf Recipe

    Mansaf in Jordan: Mansaf Recipe

    There is that famous Jordanian traditional meal called mansaf , which is a great mix of food , today we are talking about mansaf , the meal that ever Jordanian citizen cannot lie without , mansaf meal is pretty old , that bedoins used to cock mansaf and make mansaf recipe for a hundred of years , and for another yet a long time if Jordanian History until now mansaf is still the main formal meal for events or celebrations .
    A lot of women wanted to make a surprise for their men , but unfortunately , they couldn't find mansaf recipe , yeah ! there is a recipe for mansaf !
    Mansaf is cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt and served with rice or bulgur , so mansaf recipe is not very complicated .

    Mansaf is cooked in jameed (the Arabic word for dried yoghurt), which is then mixed with water in a tray to produce a creamy sauce which ismansaf sauce . This is poured into a large stewing pot with chunks of lamb meat. The pot is put over an open fire. As the stew begins to warm, it is stirred to prevent the yoghurt from separating .

    Have you ever wanted to make mansaf and you failed to find mansaf recipe ? We will fix that problem and give you mansaf recipe .

    Mansaf recipe :
    The main ingredients of Mansaf are lamb meat chunks and Jameed. Jameed is hardened and dried salted yoghurt that is made from goat milk. The dense yogurt is formed into balls and them completely dried. The dried Jameed balls, often referred to as stones, keep well for months. In Europe and the U.S. you can buy Jameed from Middle Eastern or Arab specialty stores.
    The mansaf recipe portion here is for one 300 grams Jameed stone, and is enough to feed about 8 people.

    What you will need:
    1 stone Jameed (300 grams)
    12 chunks of lamb meat with bones (each chunk about 300-400 grams)
    6 cardamon pods
    1/3 teaspoon turmeric
    3 bay leaves
    1 teaspoon black peppercorns
    2 onions
    1/3 cup pine nuts
    1/3 cup dice almonds

    6 cups rice
    9 cups water
    1 1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/3 teaspoon ground white pepper
    1/3 cup oil

    How to do it:
    The day before,
    Wash the meat very well under running water making sure that small bone pieces get washed.
    Place the meat in a large colander dish and sprinkle about 2 tablespoons salt on it. Place the colander on top of a large plate and put in the fridge overnight. The salt will drain the blood from the meat - that's why you need the large plate under, plus the salt acts as a tenderizer.
    Break the Jameed stone down into smaller chunks and place in a large glass dish, add boiling water to cover. Let stand overnight, covered. This process will soften the Jameed.

    المواضيع المتشابهه:

    الصور المرفقة

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