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>>معلومات قانونية سريعة:: “متى تجب النفقه على الزوجه ؟
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ج. تجب النفقة للزوجة ولو مع اختلاف الدين من حين العقد الصحيـح، ولا يؤثر بذلك مكان اقامتها فتجب لها النفقه ان كانت مقيمة في بيت أهلها الا إذا طالبها الزوج بالنقلة إلى بيت الزوجية فامتنعت بغير حق شـرعي فهنا لا نفقة لها ، ولها حق الامتناع عند عدم دفع الــزوج مهرها المعجل أو عدم تهيئته مسكناً شرعياً لها دون خسارة حقها بالنفقه.„


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الموضوع: Fix your car

  1. #1
    مدير العلاقات العامة والإعلام Array الصورة الرمزية Hosam Hawamdeh
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    بين كفتي العدالة
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    معدل تقييم المستوى

    بيانات اخرى

    الجنس :  ذكر

    المستوى الأكاديمي :  تعليم جامعي (بكالوريوس)

    الجامعة الحالية/التي تخرجت منها ؟ :  الجامعة الأردنية

    الحالة الاجتماعية :  خاطب

    رابط السيرة الذاتية  :  قم بزيارة سيرتي الذاتية

    افتراضي Fix your car

    Fix your car

    Fix your car
    Is your car an old one and it needs a lot of fixing ? is it always breaking down ? do you know how to fix your car ? have you ever fixed your car by yourself ? do you know the basic tips to fix your car ? , here we will talk a bit about how to fix your car if you don’t know what to do in means of fixing your car .

    Tips helping you to fix your car :
    A- Your car’s air conditioner :
    1- Realize that auto AC is basically a refrigerator in a weird layout. It's designed to move heat from one place (the inside of your car) to some other place (the outdoors). While a complete discussion of every specific model and component is well outside the scope of this article, this should give you a start on figuring out what the problem might be and either fixing it yourself or talking intelligently to someone you can pay to fix it.
    2- Become familiar with the major components to auto air conditioning: the compressor, that compresses and circulates the refrigerant in the system of your car .
    the refrigerant, on new cars, usually a substance called R-134a, the older cars have r-12 freon which is becoming increasingly more expensive and hard to find, and also requires a license to handle) which carries the heat
    the condenser, thatchanges the phase of the refrigerant from gas to liquid and that expels heat
    removed from the car
    the expansion valve, (or orifice tube in some vehicles), which is somewhat of a nozzle and functions to simultaneously drop the pressure of the refrigerant liquid, meter its flow, and atomize it
    the evaporator, that transfers heat to the refrigerant from the air blown across it, cooling your car
    the receiver/dryer, which functions as a filter for the refrigerant/oil, removing moisture and other contaminants

    You've got your suntan lotion, a giant cooler and three cheesy novels loaded in the Kindle -- you're ready for a summer road trip. You may be prepared, but are you up to date on your summer auto maintenance? Sure, auto maintenance is the last thing on your mind, but it'll jump to the front pretty quickly if you're on the side of the road. Spend an afternoon on some simple auto maintenance procedures and you'll thank yourself in the end.
    Radiator Flush: The coolant in your radiator doesn't last forever. Over time it can break down and start to corrode the inside of your radiator. This can lead to cooling problems and radiator repair. A radiator flush once a year is cheap insurance against radiator repairs.

    Replace Your Air Filter: You should replace your air filter twice a year, so now's a good time to get that 5-minute job out of the way.

    Tire Checks: Summer traveling could mean driving in the rain. The tread on your tires must be adequate for rainy weather or you could end up in a ditch, or worse. Checking the tread depth on your tires take one minute. While you're at it, you should check your tire pressure, too.

    Replace Your Windshield Wipers: Winter weather can be brutal to your windshield wipers, making them almost useless if you get caught in a summer rain shower. Replace them at the beginning of the summer and you won't have to worry.

    Inspect Your Brakes: It's a good idea to inspect your brakes twice a year just to be sure everything is up t snuff. Car safety should always be a top priority. Go ahead and check your brake fluid while you're at it.

    Check Your Battery: Corrosion is very likely to build up during winter weather driving. Check your battery posts and cables to ensure you'll have no starting problems.

    Check Your Headlights: Sometimes you don't notice that you have a bulb out. Now's a good time to take a look to see if you need to replace a headlight bulb. Not only is it unsafe to drive with one headlight, you can get a ticket!

    Remember that car safety begins with you. It also ends with you, since you're the one driving the car. That means not doing anything stupid like speeding or driving drunk. Do all of us a favor and skip those dangerous activities.

    المصغرات المرفقة المصغرات المرفقة اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	4771600_f520.jpg‏ 
مشاهدات:	259 
الحجم:	35.4 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	4113   اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	fix-leaking-auto-air-conditioner-800X800.jpg‏ 
مشاهدات:	366 
الحجم:	83.7 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	4114   اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	oceanside_auto_repair_service.gif‏ 
مشاهدات:	349 
الحجم:	54.0 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	4115   اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	original.jpg‏ 
مشاهدات:	481 
الحجم:	643.7 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	4116  

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